Reductions in visitors using retail outlets and significant decreases in on-site catering have impacted the acute care business, which is down roughly 10-15% compared to pre-COVID levels. Operators have expanded services to offer takeout, introduced Ghost Kitchens, established in-house grocery stores, and are moving to staffed salad bars and service stations to provide a safe environment for visitors and guests, as well as retain critical retail revenue.

The US Foods® portfolio of solutions can help establish a clear picture of the operational and financial status of your retail operation. We help you set a target and develop a plan for your goals, using pricing strategies, staff training, retail promotions, menu planning and more. Our Business Solutions Specialists will help you measure your success along the way, tracking your progress to ensure that your objectives are met.

*All data from Datassential, 2023

Have you been asked by your leadership to create a new retail space? Not certain where to begin? Caféssentials® Small Retail Venue Playbook offers you best-in-class support as you move forward with new retail venues.
This modular guide helps you:

  • Explore options prior to development
  • Leverage US Foods resources
  • Set up, execute and manage your Small Retail Venue

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Cafessentials Small Venue Playbook