Scoop Holiday 2020 banner

Holiday ScoopTM: Special Edition

Scoop Spring 2020

You may be getting a hold on how to adapt to the new and drastically evolved restaurant scene, but now it’s time to stand out. We’ve been listening to you, and what you need to build resilience, embrace flexibility and find new ways to increase profitability. And now we’re helping you bake in those unique solutions that make your menu sparkle.

The holidays are here – and hungry families are looking for new ways to enjoy the season, despite the challenges they’ve faced. So, with this ScoopTM launch, we’ll help you offer dynamic family-style dining and wow-worthy dishes – all featuring versatility and labor savings. These items will help you create new revenue streams with a host of to-go options that bring new joy to your diners' tables, both on- and off-premise.

1 IN 3 CONSUMERS said they will be ordering more from restaurants for the upcoming holidays.

- US Foods® survey


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The one thing diners need this year more than ever is less stress and more celebrating. We’re equipping you with the versatile take-home items to help diners celebrate. Plus, they offer the labor-savings you need to help you spend less time sweating it out in the kitchen.

Holiday scoop infographic


Family Style feast

*No artificial ingredients. Minimally processed.



To really make a statement now and add spirit to your diners’ holidays or any time of year, you need to bring even more innovation and flair to your menu. We’re helping you do just that by offering up engaging and unique products that bring customers back to see what you’ve got cooking!
Holiday Scoop infographic 2 of 2

Off Premise attractions

The Products

*No artificial ingredients. Minimally processed.


Here’s the inspiration you need to create wow-worthy menu items that will make your diners get excited for the season!



From custom menu design services to free images to help promote your new menu items on your website or on social media – we’re hooking you up for the holidays to make your profitability easier and stronger.