Fall Scoop

Sopa de Ropa Vieja


  • 1 bag Chef's Line® Ropa Vieja
  • 1 tsp. Monarch® Granulated Onion
  • .5 tsp. Monarch Dried Oregano
  • .5 tsp. Monarch Ground Cumin
  • 1 cup Monarch Tomato Sauce
  • 3.5 qts. Molly's Kitchen® Bee Soup Base, reconstituted
  • 1 ea. Cross Valley Farms® Jumbo Carrots, cut into coins
  • 1 ea. Cross Valley Farms Russet Potato, medium dice
  • 6 ea. Monarch Corn on the Cob
  • 6 oz. Roseli® Spaghetti Pasta


  1. Add 1 bag of Ropa Vieja to a large pot. 
  2. Add Seasoning, reconstituted Beef Base and Tomato Sauce. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer. 
  3. Remove Ropa Vieja and shred. Add back to pot along with Carrot, Corn, and Potatoes. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. 
  4. Add in pasta and cook 10 more minutes
  5. Serve with Lime.

Recipe By Chef Liz Howe, Sr. Culinary Manager USF Corporate Kitchens

Serves 6