9439102_CL_Mediterranean-Style Wheat Berry and White Bean Blend-2



  • 12 oz. Chef’s Line® Mediterranean-Style Wheat Berry and White Bean Blend
  • 8 oz. Roseli® Chef-Style Diced Tomato
  • 2 pints Molly's Kitchen® Vegetable Stock (made from base)
  • ¼ oz. Cross Valley Farms® Fresh Mint, packed for garnish
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste


  1. Heat the Mediterranean-style wheat berry and white bean blend in the vegetable stock, bring to a boil and simmer until desired texture. 
  2. Add in the chef-style diced tomato, and let simmer for 3 minutes.
  3. Season soup to taste.
  4. Serve in soup tureen with mint garnish.

Recipe by Valerie Rubin, Food Fanatics® Chef Sustainability & Specialty Diets, SoCal 

Serves 4 portions