
Black Steamed Bao


  • 80 oz. Flour
  • 1⁄2 tsp. Activated Charcoal
  • 14.5 oz. Water
  • 2 ea. Egg Whites
  • 9 oz. Sugar
  • 2 oz. Shortening or Butter, melted
  • 1 oz. Dry Yeast
  • 0.2 oz. Baking Powder
  • 0.6 oz. Black Food Coloring, if needed


Sift flour and charcoal together; set aside. Using a mixer, combine water, egg whites, sugar, shortening, yeast, baking powder and food coloring. Mix for 5 minutes on low speed until the sugar and yeast dissolve.

Add flour mixture and beat for 10 minutes, or until a homogeneous mass is formed. Add more water if needed.

Cut the dough into 3.7 oz. pieces, flatten into 4-inch rounds and fold in half. Place on a sheet tray lined with parchment.

Ferment in an oven at 105°F and 40% humidity for 90 minutes, or until it doubles in volume. Increase temperature to 212°F and steam-only for 8 minutes; it should double in volume again. Remove buns and let them cool down to room temperature.

From Food Fanatics® Magazine