Fall Scoop

Baby Purple Mustard Greens Salad with Pear and Lemon Vinaigrette


  • 2 oz. Rykoff Sexton® Champagne Vinegar
  • 6 oz. Roseli® 75/25 Canola Oil Blend
  • 2 oz. Rykoff Sexton Meyer Lemon Juice, divided
  • 1 T Monarch® Sriracha Hot Honey
  • 1 ea. Cross Valley Farms® Peeled Shallots
  • 1 T Rykoff Sexton Dijon Mustard
  • .5 T Cross Valley Farms Fresh Parsley, minced
  • 2 c Cross Valley Farms Baby Purple Mustard Greens Blend
  • 1 T Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
  • 2 T Fresh Pears, sliced
  • Pomegranate Perils


  1. Combine Vinegar, Sriracha Honey, half of Meyer Lemon Juice, Dijon, Shallot and Parsley in a blender. Add blender top and pulse to combine. Turn blender on medium speed and slowly pour in oil to emulsify the vinaigrette. Taste for Salt and Pepper, adjust as needed. Store in refrigeration until ready to use. 
  2. Combine remaining lemon juice with water and place into quart-size container. Clean and slice or dice the pears and soak in lemon water to keep from oxidizing. 
  3. To Plate: Toss Baby Greens in Lemon Vinaigrette, top with Pears, Roasted Pepitas and Pomegranate.

Recipe By Liz Howe, Sr. Culinary Manager, USF Corporate Kitchens

Serves 1